Korang guna Yahoomail??Kalau korang rajin tengok emel korang (yang penuh dengan notification Facebook sahaja tu,tak padam-padam 2 taun), korang akan perasan ada 1 emel yang suruh korang notify emel korang,dengan emel password ngan dengan reply emel tersebut..Emel die macam ni
Yahoo! Customer Care Satisfaction Survey
Dear Valued Member,
Due to the congestion in all Yahoo Accounts, Yahoo would be shutting down all unused Accounts, You will have to confirm your E-mail by filling out your Login Information below after clicking the reply button, or your account will be suspended for security reasons..
Yahoo! ID Card
Name: .........................................................
Yahoo! ID: .........................................................
Yahoo! Mail Address: .........................................................
Password: .........................................................
Member Information
Gender: .........................................................
Birthdate: .........................................................
Occupation: .........................................................
Country: .........................................................
If you are a Yahoo! Account Premium subscriber, We will refund the unused portion of your Premium subscription, if any. The refund will appear as a credit via the billing method we have on file for you. So please make sure that your billing information is correct and up-to-date. For more information, please visit https://billing.yahoo.com.
After following the instruction on this sheet your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal
We appreciate your being a Yahoo! Account user.
Yahoo! Customer Support
Tapi apa yang aku pelik adalah,aku dapat lebih dari 1 emel yang macam ni,dan datangnye dari alamat emel yang berbeza..Mane ade Yahoo admins nak pakai emel sendiri,mesti die akan menggunakan emel yahoo secara rasmi..Dan yang paling aku syak, die mintak password emel kite..Jangan lupa, JANGAN PERNAH BAGI PASSWORD EMEL KAT SAPE-SAPE..Dah la suruh reply kat emel die,bukan klik kat mane-mane link untuk notify emel kite.. Aku tak tau la,aku sorang je ke tak tau pasal ni..Dan aku tak pasti betul ke tak ape yang aku cakap ni..Tapi menurut ape yang aku dah belajar kat dunia cyber ni,ape yang aku cakap ni ade asas..Dan kalau ade info lebih,tolong lah kongsi same-same..
p/s : Ke aku sorang je tak tau pasal benda ni??
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